Popejoy Presents

Seating up to 1985 patrons, Popejoy Hall is the largest venue of its kind in the state. Following a major renovation in 1996 and seating replacement in summer 2007, Popejoy now hosts touring Broadway shows; symphony concerts; musical soloists, artists, and companies of international caliber; world-renowned ballet and modern dance companies; and noted speakers from a broad spectrum of disciplines. The acoustics and sight lines in the hall are exceptional.

Website: popejoypresents.com and schooltimeseries.com
Tom Tkach, Director
Popejoy Hall
MSC 04-2580
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Phone: (505) 277-8010
Fax: (505) 277-4212

Email: booking@popejoypresents.com


Genres Presented: All: Broadway, music, theatre, dance, educational series (PreK-12)
Artist Fee Range: Depends on series
Venue Names, Size of Each, Type of Each: Popejoy Hall, 1,985 seats
Months Presenting: October-June
Schooltime Series: Weekday field trips during the school year
